Sunday, June 30, 2013

An Introduction To Cooking, For The Absolute Newbie
An Introduction To Cooking, For The Absolute Newbie
Are you a big fan of good food? Are you always hungry for sweets? How about some savory ethnic food? Have you ever given thought to what it would take to make these favorite dishes right in your kitchen? Stop thinking and start cooking! These tips can help you learn how to cook great meals.

Try going to a library or buying a cook book if you are wanting to cook different foods. Pick a few simple, interesting recipes and work up to more elaborate dishes as your skills increase.

Reduce your meat as thin as you can if you are using it in a stir-fry. This can require some time and some effort. Take the meat out of the freezer once it gets firm, place a sharp knife in an oblique angle and start slicing.

Store your spices in a cool, dark place. If you leave them out somewhere, you will expose them to light, wetness, as well as heat, and it could ruin them. Spices stored in a cool, dark location will taste better and last longer. Using fresh spices makes meals even more delicious.

By doing any prep work the day before a big meal, you can make the actual cooking process faster and much less stressful. Look at your recipe and decide which steps you can do in advance without worry of food spoilage. You can prepare a lot of food the day prior to actually cooking. This can make it even easier to cook complicated dishes and make them more enjoyable.

For healthier, lower-calorie mashed potatoes, add some cooked cauliflower to your tubers. You will not even taste the cauliflower along with the potatoes, since it is so bland. You'll still be able to enjoy mashed potatoes, but with less fat and calories!

Mushrooms absorb large amounts of water, and this excess water will go into whatever you are cooking with. Instead, get a wet, clean cloth and wipe off the mushroom manually.

By making use of the tips you've learned above, you will end up a step nearer to preparing healthy, great-tasting meals that you and your family will like. Be courageous, and experiment with various seasonings and sauces You will probably find a new type of favorite food while doing it! Use exotic vegetables and fruit, in addition to spices from around the world.

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